Mission for partnership bigger than for individual

Dorrian Mace

is clearly a nerve that is topical for many of us. Thank you for all the very constructive, honest, and some times vulnerable, perspectives.

As our Gift Group evolves more, I think the value of trust will become even more central to our modus operandi. I like @⁨~Eric Kaufmann⁩’s frame work.

  1. what is the motivation? Does the person care about me?
  2. is their capacity to deliver on service or product?
  3. reliability?

Relationships between people who are conscious of multidimensional energy flows.

In 5D, more telepathy. Can feel someone elses’ emotions. you will feel the emotional impact you make on another. you will take more responsibility of your actions. Much of these agreements are bridging the fact that we are not telepathic. Training wheels for 5D.

Old rulebook from 10 commandments is not to commit adultery.

wanting to improve the energy flow of your relationship with loved ones.

What feeds you. Waters the flower. Nitrogen for leaves. Potassium for blooms and fruit.

have a relationships vs in a relationship

back to back watching out for each other, vs YabYum co-creation

sacred friendship vs sacred companionship

Balance between dependability and freedom to try new things.

Balance between loyality and co-creating stories with multiple people.